Black Jack 101 Monday Night March 10
Black Jack 101 Monday Night March 10
McNugget Casino Academy "Always with Community in mind" DOES NOT ENDORSE GAMBLING. Join us for Blackjack 101 Strategy Session♦♥♣♠ on Monday, MARCH 10 from 6:30 pm- 8:30 pm. Tickets and PKG deals available. Pit Boss Phil Rudnick Hosts the Filipino Dance Club for a Blackjack 101 Strategy Session♦♥♣♠ Phil the "Pit Boss!" Learn Blackjack for more “JACK”! We are all born to be risk-takers. It starts at birth, includes life’s skills, like learning to ride our first bicycle and continues through education, relationships, earning a living and providing for our families. We manage the risks by preparing ourselves for success. Casino gambling, requires an understanding of the rules of the game, the odds inherent in your decisions, and the personal enforcement of the amount of money you can afford to lose. Chasing losses with ever more “bad luck” can cost a relationship, your care or your house! McNugget Casino Academy, offers instruction on how to improve the outcome in the game with the most favorable odds for the player. Your investment of $39 will provide a 1.5-2 hour session teaching your how to improve your odds of winning by the decisions you make through the strategy. Visit to join in an afternoon or evening, of fun filled information. McNugget doesn’t encourage Casino gambling, but if you are so inclined, then do yourself and those you care for you a favor, and learn the skills for improving yours odds for success. If not now-when? Phil Rudnick, “Pit Boss” Upstart Village, LLC., dba McNugget Casino Academy